Fake Instagram Verification Theory Debunked


I keep seeing all of these false posts regarding fake blue checks on Instagram. Today was the final straw… I am here to debunk this theory going around. First things first, reading is fundamental. So according to some people, if you go to a verified account’s page and click on the three dots on the top right corner, the pop up with all of the options will show a tab that says “About This Account”. Basically, people are saying if a verified page does not have that “About This Account” the verification is fake. This is where the “reading is fundamental” comes in.

The very definition once you click on “About This Account” instantly tells you that this false theory floating around is infact false. The definition is “To help keep our community authentic, we’re showing information about accounts that reach a lot of people or advertise on Instagram". Nowhere in that does it state, we show this for verified accounts only. Of course, in Karina fashion, I have receipts. Let’s go on a little journey below.

Here we have a verified account for Symphani Soto. She has the “About this Account”.

After clicking “About This Account”, appears another screen and the definition I was mentioning. We clearly know that Symphani’s account reaches a lot of people, thus she has “About This Account”

Here we can see that her account also does the second thing mentioned in the definition. Her account runs ads.


Here we have a verified account for Bizness Boi, however his account does not have the “About This Account”. I know for a fact his account is not a fake verification. Referring back to the definition above that would explain the missing “About This Account”.

This is a non-verified account for Redstone Firearms. They have no blue check, but they do have “About This Account”. This account reaches a lot of people, thus they have the tab, but no verification.

The Mini HipHop Museum account that reaches a lot of people but is not verified and wow! They have “About This Account”… Soooo, come again with “fake verified accounts don’t have the About This Account tab”. Please explain why the tab is here when there is no blue check lol.


Well, well, well, what do we have here. Straight from Instagrams Website. A non-verified account with hundreds of thousands of followers and the “About This Account” tab. Also, pay attention to the “Increasing Access to Verification” in the screenshot. Again, reading is fundamental.

And for good measure, so no one can say it’s photoshop on Instagrams website photos. Here is Nydiah Soto’s account. Hundreds of thousands of followers, no verification, but an “About This Account” tab. I rest my case.


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