Karina Poppinz

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12 Days of Apps - Day 11: LumaFusion

Editing on the go has never been easier. LumaFusion as been my saving grace, it is a film industry recognized app for the iPad and iPhone. I took a leap of faith and bought the app and I was actually quite shocked by the things it can do. There are some limitations, but it allows you to do all of the heavy lifting from the comfort of an iPad and then you can fine tune, if needed on your laptop or desktop. Recently though, I haven’t even had to do that, I’ve been able to use just LumaFusion, I can even easily use my intro and outro without any problems. Award winning filmmakers have edited entire films on this app.

Key Features:

  • $29.99 one time fee

  • Ability to handle 4K footage

  • 6 video/audio tracks

  • 6 additional track for voiceover and sound effects

  • Resize for different screens, including Instagram

  • Layer multiple effects

  • Create and save title presets or styles

  • Color correction options

  • Checkout the entire list of key features here

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